A popular choice among gasoline stations, restaurants and hotels along major highways as well as malls, stores and other businesses, pylon signs from Signs By Tomorrow® Fort Myers stand taller than other signage options. These tall signs alert shoppers in search of your business or who are just passing by your location.
Pylon signs — which are also called pole signs or freestanding signs — are outdoor signs that are frequently mounted on one or two poles. They can be single sided or double sided. They’re usually lighted and often installed on a business property but not attached to a building.
Single-business pylon signs often feature one large lightbox to showcase the company’s name and logo. Pylon signs for malls and shopping centers, on the other hand, consists of several lightboxes built into a base made of metal, stone or brick. Each tenant's logo is featured on a separate lightbox face. This layout promotes the presence of more than one business.
Because of their height, pylon signs can catch the eye of motorists from long distances. This gives drivers time to exit a freeway or otherwise slow down and turn into your location. Of course, not all pylon signs tower above all others. Your choice can be only as tall as good taste — and local signage height restrictions — allow!
At Signs By Tomorrow Fort Myers, you’ll choose from these styles in pylon signs:
Many businesses elect to improve the visibility or versatility of their pylon signs through custom design choices from Signs By Tomorrow Fort Myers:
Offering excellent visibility, pylon signs from Signs By Tomorrow Fort Myers are a popular choice for users including:
If pylon signs are so noticeable, aren’t they a great choice for every application?
No, a tall pylon sign that’s sited in a neighborhood with a mixed zoning pattern would likely not fit the character of the area. Cities recognize this and many limit pylon signs to locations near major highways or in industrial areas. That said, pylon signs can be effective at moderate heights and may be permitted for the application you envision. Ask your Signs By Tomorrow Fort Myers signage professional for expert advice on your best options.
Do pylon signs go by names other than pole signs or freestanding signs?
Yes, they do. Within the industry, pylon signs are commonly referred to as road signs and highway signs. Use any of these terms at Signs By Tomorrow Fort Myers. We’ll know right away what you’re talking about!
What's the difference between monument signs and pylon signs
Height is the difference. Monument signs are about as tall as a person, whereas pylon signs usually soar high above a business. Many shopping centers stack lightbox above lightbox featuring different retailers to create what are, in effect, extra-tall monument signs. These are also called pylon signs!
Visit our Inspiration Gallery for creative ideas for your next project. To speak with a Signs By Tomorrow pro for a solution that meets your needs and budget, give us a call or drop in today. For a more in-depth look at some options, use the links below.
To speak with a Signs By Tomorrow Fort Myers professional, call us at 239-561-7446 or email us.